Valentines Day is one of the
most ridicolous event to be ever created yet.
The day where your loved ones only satiates you extra special.
The day where your loved ones buy you gifts and all.
If someone is neophyte to this, then let me tell you, dont even think about believing it.
It has ravaged the mindset of many youths indirectly.
Anyways, Im not here to promulgate. No that is not the right word.
I am here to propogate against this day.
Let me tell you why.
Firstly, lets say I have a girlfriend/wife, whatever that matters.
Why dont I spend this "Valentines Day" everyday?
Why couldnt everyday be "Valentines Day"?
Its really ignoramus of you if you just love your loved ones extra just because of that day.
Its like saying,
A: "
Hey, lets go kill some people with this machine gun!"
B: "
Dude, nah, not this month, its Chinese New Year/Hari Raya, lets give it a break and continue next month."
A: "
Great plan!"
B: *
Open eyes and mouth widely while doing the thumbs up action.*
You see what Im saying? Valentines has been a misguidance to alot of people.
Plus it will be burning a hole in your pocket since you will have to spend extra money on her, plus your anniversary and her birthday.
Snap. Ok. Bye.
Au Revoir!~