kasman putra

Shade Of Red

Man/Ah Choy/Lyon/Putra
Guitar and piano are loves
I am a young man, 17! You are old!
Tick Tock!
Number of Times I Had Babies


i lost my hp a few days ago, so bare with me when theres no pics on the upcoming posts.

Went fishing yesterday. Thonned as well.
Caught an eel, some mirrorfish, small snapper,
small bass, and some I dont know weird looking fishes.
We even made friends with the apeks there whom soon later send us home using their mobile.

Now, I have sunburns on the back of my body. I feel like lacerating it off with a shrapnel.
The stinging pain is unbearable. I cant even sleep face forward.

anws, i just withdrew myself from tpss. im moving to a private school soon.
i gots to go now babies. bye.