kasman putra

Shade Of Red

Man/Ah Choy/Lyon/Putra
Guitar and piano are loves
I am a young man, 17! You are old!
Tick Tock!
Number of Times I Had Babies



Hello people(: Rieyn here, and I'm blogging for Putra Ah Choy today. He's super lazybusy/tired, so he can't update his blog. Hehh ;D

Anyway, we went to Tampines today(091208). And as usual, Lyon has his magic tricks to show. Besides that, he practically bullied me the whole day.


Okay la. I dont know what else to write for him. Just continue bugging him to update okay? Heee.

Ohoh, please eh Lyon. Stop checking out nyonyas/girls' bras! ;DD

Woops. Heeeeeeee! ;D