First things first. Behold The Wrath's Gig was awesome. This pic was taken during the ending of the gig. It was Tormentress, haha, guess everyone was too tired to headbang.
The first half was chaotic but unfortunately drained our energy out.
Just like how the Duracell's Battery-operated Pink Rabbit die.
I told them to charge but nooooooooo they are stubborn.
Look who lost a pink rabiit now Duracell!

Nowadays, we've been tagging stuffs all around. Haha. These are some few.
Sorry but we had only a few colours. Getting cartons next week tho.
Tagging at Somerset next!

Yesterday thonned with Hafizul and company and Zul aka ron and Ali aka Ah Lee and Fahim aka Pinocchio. Talked and created stupid ideas.
We both wanted to go pee at that time.
There was a dustbin. Having two holes, we decided that i would to pee on one side while he did on the other.
We tried it but everytime we wanted to do it, we pulled back. LOL.
It was stupendous siol. hahaha! Abeh nk check konek aku out ah!
Then now, he's become my magic assistant. Aku pon tk tau camner itu boleh jadi tapi ader da jadi jadi jer la.
Meeting him later, nk makan babi.
Cham chow chee bai.
K lah stop here.
KaM Cheng Oh'.