Man/Ah Choy/Lyon/Putra
Guitar and piano are loves
I am a young man, 17! You are old!
Number of Times I Had Babies
Envy. Missed. All those.
Those were the times.
Im jealous, no wait. I envy. Yeah, that sounds right. Ive been looking at my classmate's posts and how they talk about how theyre doing on their papers. How difficult it is. How they wish they get the points they longed deserved. Im a man, and I admit, I kind of chose the wrong path on February-late March. I want to go graduation this year. Although I have made rivals along the way, I know we will all turn out okay soon. I mean, who wouldnt want to go together with you bunch of guys. You are all the best. The spirit of the class is and always overwhelming. Everytime you step into it, its like you are about to embark on an adventure filled with joy and laughter. I really really miss making the whole class laugh when everything gets a little too quiet. Well, during my time, one thing I have not regretted was, mixing with everyone. Now dont tell me that I only mix with the usual noisy malay guys. Im pretty sure I have mixed around with the chinese guys and girls too. And you know what, you're all cool in a different type of way. I guess that's what makes the class unique. Now, it seems you guys are studying hard, while im here, sitting, having a goal less than yours. A goal which I think everyone would like to achieve when they finish secondary education. The taste of the long-awaited O level's certificate. Guess, I made a mistake and have to wait for another year. Worst thing is, if Ille graduate, its not going to be with you guys. Its not with the noisiest, most creative class out there. Haha. These goes out to all my ex-classmate. Hang in there. You're almost done. Haha, and guys, fcuk, I miss you. ;D
This is the gorgeous Heidi Klum. Yes, she's my divorcee. She's too beautiful. Haha! A German model, actress, fashion designer, TV producer, TV presenter and an occasional singer. What more do you want from a girl! =D
Yesterday, I broke my vivovirginty. Left at 2 with zul and met the rest at Harbour front's Mrt Station. Ok, so lets get it started!
Manatoy and Ah choy!
We started off with a light of ciggarette. And poof! Off we go walking around, job hunting and stuffs! Went into random shops, and ased around for jobs. Well there were some really ridicolous shops, which we knew we didnt want to work at but just went in for the interview just for the fun of it.
Slimy and Glebs!
There was this one time though, which we went into "Tangs". And dared Zul to ask for an applicant form. So he went in, and really asked -_- And was really happy about it, as he did not care what job , so long its still a job. Yeah, that desperate. The rest of us were like "Shit. This is not for real. Never would we work at Tangs." Well, unfortunately for zul, vacancy was full baby! Woohoooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Ah choy, cow, and Rin!
Went to other shops and looked around for jobs. Then we passed by a bra shop, "Inner Fair". I stopped, took a glance at it, and called Zul. You know, it may just be me, but I have always wondered whether a guy could work in a bra shop. Curiosity got the better of me and went inside with zul. And asked for a job. At a bra shop. A really hot bra shop. So then I asked, "Scuse me, is it possible if a guy were to work in a bra shop?" . She looked dumbfounded and just smiled really wide. Well kind of like a confused smile. We asked really ridicolous questions such as "If a guy were to work here, would he get less or more pay, as he is working and having pleasure looking at woman's boobs at the same time". Super funny. Haha. We even have a video for it. Ille post it some time later =D
While walking around vivo, we shouted and screamed like gays. As in we took turns shouting and screaming. We tried not to keep ourselves getting bored. Jumped and even do powerslides in front of people. Went to Golden Village soon and went to apply there. The only thing I can recall there was seeing Zul's red boxers. Eh, Ive always wondered why they were called boxers. Its not as if they were made from boxes. They are made from cloth. Maybe camel cloth or caterpillars silk. I dont know. But im sure its not boxers.
Zul Belo!
We all got hungry and went to KFC, which basically stands for "Kasman's Fried Cows". I got free meals as I was the producer for the fast food business company. Ate, and there were loads of hot chicks. They were so hot! And I bet they tasted yummy too! Well they kinda did. Cos we kinda had our time secretly together. Dont get me wrong. I was referring "Hot Chicks" to "Hot Chickens". Yea, Hot And Crispy, KFC's chickens. Original's boring. Boy, Glebs was really hungry. he even ate bones. Yikes!
Glebsados feeding on bones!
After eating KFC, we went to the rooftop or jetty or whatever its called. And there, we met Aidil (Simei) and Mimi and his hardcore friends I think. Nyeh, we then find a place to sit and chill out. Once we got our buttocks warm, boredom was about to take over us but we defeated it once again by deciding to play "truth or dare"! This, to me, was where all the fun began. We managed to made almost everyone in the whole area laugh. Well, free entertainment brought to you by KMCO.
Zombies ate my neighbours!
Am not gonna post about truths question. Zul got truths loads. =_= Anyways, I will tell you some of the dares that were made in front of a whole lot, and i mean whole loads of people.
MANATOY: Jumpstyle/shuffle like a fanatic, ask a girl for a number(Turns out to be a chinese immigrant).
SLIMY(MAD): Roll on the stairs all the way down. Shout "Oi!" really loud to everyone at the jetty.
YAT(RIN): Climb this statue and shouted "Oi!" as if he was on top of the world. (Best dare yet!) And an epic failure of shuffling.
ZUL(BELO): Made conversations with a whole lot of chinese youngsters for 5 mins. Somehow he got along well with the other groups. HAHA! Purpose fall infront of another group. Well, some people might have thought he was drunk. -_-
AH CHOY!(ME): Made conversation with an old couple who was visiting Singapore. They were nice =D Fall on every steps of the staircase. (This was embarassing) -_-
GLEBS(RUZ): Asked a girl for a number. FAILED. HAHA. Ran around the whole area and shouted "LALALALA" . Embarassing. Stripped down his teeshirt and spin his long tees like as if he was a cowboy stripper. Offered himself to a China woman sweeper to sweep the floors. Ask a photographer to take a picture of us. Success!
Realize Glebs had a lot of dare. Trust me, there were much more. I think he was not in luck. Lol!
KMCO! My brothers!
After doing all the dare's we thought possible, we stopped and headed to Pet Safari and looked at pets. Well, nothing interesting here, except for the part we saw hamster's mating. That turned me on. Really on.
Sesame Street made new friends.
Headed to Toy's R' Us afterwards. In here, we created a mess. Sorry toys r us workers! We played soccer inside, and styrofoam swords and knock on each other's heads. Fun! Well, we kept losing each other, I dont know how. Maybe David Copperfield was there. Then again it could be Criss Angel or David Blaine. But my chances would definitely go to Gurmit Singh. Totally.
Happy Helloween from us!
Well we then saw Halloween masks and decided to wear it on. Took some photo's with it. Oh after that, we still used it on and scared people. LOL. We hid and scared people out of their wits! hahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha, the look on their face was priceless. Well, Slimy tried to scare this little boy. EPIC FAILURE. Instead the little kid was laughing and smiling. Thing is, when Slimy opened his mask, the little kid wasnt smiling and ran to his dad's leg and hugged it. HAHAHAHA.
NS Abang-abang. Cheh!
Went arcade, boring too. Nothing new. It was getting kind of late, and decided to get home. Took a double decker bus. Not those red double decker buses like on UK. But , pfft, you know what I mean. In it, everyone was either tired or singing to themselves. Well, they sang like crows. Sometimes, I seriously dont know wheter they're making fun of the song or whter their voice was that bad. _-_
Haha, reached Simei at around 11. I think. Got home and finally watch Indiana Jones till the end. Took me 3 days. I kept sleeping on that movie. Damn.
Well am hungry now. Hungry Hungry like Mr.Humpty Dumpty. Oh did you know, I have a friend. His name's Tom. He's buying a cruise. But you know, that doesnt mean his Tom Cruise. Or does it. *Jeng Jeng*
Yours Truly, Ah Choy! Me la bodoh!
Status Report : Harah.
This post is specially dedicated to who is left the only vivovirginity person in Singapore, Harah. She said it would be nice if I were to take pics of Vivo/Harbour Front. So, Harah enjoy looking at what seems to be the greatest views there. =D
This is how the bus number 10 at vivo looks like. The number 36 represents the cost of the ride.
This is how it looks like from a helicopter view. Yeap, on the left is Mandai Zoo forest. Middle are just rocks. Right is Sentosa's beach. And I think you can see the giant statue of a ciggarette butt.
This is how chicken bones looks like at Vivo. And no this isnt my food. It was a friends, Manatoy! This is the most legendary place yet. The "4 letters of doom" or so they call it. P represents People. U represents Under. L represents Losers. The other L represents Loses. People Under Losers Loses. Freaky but true.
Here we are standing just below the most dangerous place yet. It is called "The Longkang of Never Ending Longkang". A lot of visitors has stepped inside and has never come back. Rumors has it that inside were weird creatures like "Lizard-eating penguins" and "Goldfished-eyed Flying Bears". Boy, that sure sounds freaky.
Hope you enjoyed it harah, and now know what vivo is like! =D
Sorry to crush rush. I get overexcited easily. HAHA.
This is Stefani Gabriella Germanotta , stagenamed "Lady GaGa". A pop dancer/electronica singer. Hot, I know.
Had no plans yesterday. So met up with the baby au's au's and KMCO! Slacked under the block with them and waited for the rest to come cos we wanted to play soccer. While waiting we learned kung fu. I was promoted to kung fu master. In such a short time, I was able to fly and walk on clouds. It was nothing really. The rest then came in about an hour. Packed up, time for soccer!
This is Slimy.
Played for long hours. I ended up blistering my leg. Paiiiiiinnnnnn. But, I am one with the Force and blocked it out of my brain. I knew becoming a Jedi would come in handy some of these days. Rest during dusk. Continued back after that.
This is Glebs.
Now by this time, the challenging players have all come down also known as "Simeiville". Now these people play soccer realllllyyyy good. Super good. Id salute them anytime. There were a lot of teams. 3 of them which were pakciks2! Yet they beat all , even us. Haha! Envy strikes ;D
Yours truly, Ah Choy ah!
Yat went home first coz he wanted to watch anime. That leaves me with Glebs and Slimy. I then opened a portal out of my hands. And took out machine guns. Passed to each of them. We were finally going to do it. We are finally are going to kill all those damned cockroaches.
HELLO . This is Mila Kunis. You may remember her from "That 70's Show". Haha. She is also known for her voice as "Meg" in the animated series "Family Guy".
Yesterday, I had a blast again with KMCO! Well though it was a last minute thing, we had fun ;D Met up with T-bag first, and got ourselves ciggies. Met with Fye for awhile, chatted and then left to meet them at the phonebooth. Rieyn , Glebs and Slimy were there alr. Yat(Rin) came last. Bought food and poof! We're off to East Coast Park! Well, bus was kecoh and got dirty coz we all ate kua chi and stuff. Reached destination in nearly 15 mins or so. Also known as 59857234857 seconds.
Chilled and stuffs, sang ridicolous songs, and gave lessons to slimy and t-bag. Made up songs and stuffs. Everyone all had a laugh. Manatoy came halfway! haha! Well, Rieyn got pissed at a point of time, coz of a friend or something. Haha! Maki2 mcm makcik kat telepon! But she was pissed and maybe thats what she does, anws, tk mo marah2 sngt! Nanti cepat tua =)
Rieyn had to go first . Sent her to bustop . Came back, and then we makan-ed! Hungry2 sia! Never ate the whole day! Basically kan alot of stuffs happened. Im just lazy to type today. Oh and T-bag has kentotophobia. Kesakitan kentot. Today, I guess, am playing soccer. No plans.
OH OH, And t-bag msged me this at midnight
"Eh thx eeh tadi for a great day. Kimek msg gay sak. Take care, T-bag Muax"
HAHAHA. What a great friend. Haha =)
Its ok. Id totally understand. Afterall, pink sunsets dont come and go ;D
Running In Circles, Coming Up Tails. Heads On A Science Apart.
I dont know if anyone can remember this woman. Her name is Amy Jo Johnson. She is also famously known for being the very first Pink Ranger in the show "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers", portraying as "Kimberly". Remember now kids? :D
Yesterday afternoon, met up with rieyn again since there was nothing better to do. Wanted to go ecp but it was raining so we decided to slack near her place. It was nice of her to bring the guitar , though the guitar somehow looked bigger than her, HAHA. =)
Well then I played the guitar while she tried to sing, and ended up confusing ourselves and stuffs. Well, then I asked her to try to play. She has her way of playing and lets just say it is unique the way her fingers touches the fretboard. Haha!
She got hungry soon. She's small but she eats alot and never gets fat. (according to her). Haha! Well, accompanied her to a particular bubble tea shop. Got herself a set meal, again I was not hungry. Haha.
Well, then, sat under a block to let her eat. Well, we werent alone, we were with apeks. The four apek horsemens. Well, we sat at a table nearby them. It was funny cos they were vulgaring and stuffs. Thats not the best part though. When all of them left, one came back, with a ciggarette, lighted, on his mouth, sat, and pondered to say, 15 mins tops? haha. Funny old man ;D
Well, rieyn called me horny coz I saw a particular old lady who was not wearing any bra due to the weird booby shape thingy. She claimed I was checking her out. Haha! ape je !
Well, we talked ridicolous stuffs then, and I requested her to do a belah nonok hairstyle, which she kept refusing coz she thinks she looks funny with it. Haha. Reallllllyy ? =D
Well, then semi-camwhored. SEMI - (SE - MY). Though some prefer saying it "SE-ME". Haha, no diff. =D Well, there particularly a hundred and one shots taken, within a couple of minutes. But I guess, if i were to upload a hundred shots, I would have grown a coconut tree on my head by then. Haha. =D
Well, she had to get going by then. Walked her home, and talked and did ridicolous stuffs along the way. Oh and before she took the lift she gave me directions to where the bustop no. 9 was. And then goodbye to her. So, it was me and my sense of directions alone again. Im telling you, I think I have a compass built in my head. So, I started my adventure to find the bustop. Walked around and round and round and took several shortcuts .
Then there were tall grasses, so I thought it was a shortcut. And so I walked through it, and while walking, my vision started shaking. A pokemon was right in front of my eyes! And it was a Caterpie! (its a really weak caterpillar-based pokemon) I, on the other hand had no pokemon, or pokeballs. So, I got onto my fours, and started barking " I AM THE LEGENDARY AND STRONGEST POKEMON! KASMAN! Kasman! Kasman! " . And before I knew it, pokemon trainers from all over the world staring at me.
Pokemon Trainers: There it is, the mythical legendary pokemon, "Kasman". Kasman: *Snarling* Pokemon Trainers: Careful! We dont want to make it mad!! It could kill us all! or maybe worse! Kasman: *Screams ALULU ALULU WABUUU!!!!* *Flashes Everywhere* Pokemon Trainers: Well, that was something*saying in a monotonous tone* Kasman:*stood up* Guys, im not a pokemon. Im a human just like you. Pokemon Trainers: Damn. Mum! Ive hated your cookings! *Birds fly and pooped on magical fairies.* *Magical fairies cried.*
Got home later than expected then. Talked otp with rieyn as her pp8s finished. Haha, well it wasnt like a normal conversation as every moment it will either be me, her or both laughing. Too bad she couldnt let it out loud as she was in the living room. Talked for some time before hanging up.
Watched "Journey To The Center Of The Earth" at 1am. Slept halfway. Nyeh.
p4 kids are not that bad. They're joy/cheerful and maybe naughty at times. But hey not everyone gets to stay at p4 :))
Its that feeling of amazed that keeps it going.
This is Scarlett I. Johansson . If your birthday's on the 22nd of november, congrats, you share the same with hers. You may also have seen her on movies such as "The Nanny Diaries", "The Prestige", "The Island", "Lost In Translation" etc . =D
Me and my new Thailand friend, "Long".
Yesterday was a blast. Not like those nuclear explosion blast. You know, blast as in fun. Well, met off with rieyn at Tamp Mrt. I was a little late due to getting ciggarettes. Sorry ;D
Met up with her, whom was super super short ;) Saw monkeys. Big monkeys. LIKE REALLY BIG MONKEYS. And then we started off walking around Tampines Mall. Haha, went into shops and criticsise people along the way. Tsk tsk. Profiling! =D
Went to century square next and my, the lingerie there was weird but sexy tho.
Although I did not know why was the model wearing cheap wings. Its not as if they were selling em anyways. Haha. I bet if I had those wings, id cook em. Then become chicken wings. Fried chicken wings. Or maybe Hainanese style. Depends on my mood.
Headed of to Sunplaza Park then. See little kids rollerblading and stuffs. Ive yet to learn rollerblading! Its a must try though its not beneficial. haha. Me and rieyn talked, and she claims I make her life sound boring. Well, she said shes gonna spice it up a lil now. Good luck with that =D
Well, talked talked until around evening, when suddenly Thailand people came! They wanted to sit with us under the shelter we were sitting. No problem! The more the merrier right? ;)
Made friends instantly with all of em. They were really nice. Showed em my magic tricks. They were amazed too ;D The communication wall was hard but it seems we were pretty much trying really hard and somehow understood what he was talking about. Just hope he understands what WE were talking about. haha. After half an hour of talking with him, he offered us with ciggies and even beer! Wow. Haha.
Well, rieyn got hungry, so we said goodbye to them and even traded numbers! haha! So walked back to century square. To food culture, she bought spaghetti. I wasnt hungry so none for me. Haha, rieyn keeps calling me weird but kan, who in the world eats without drinks!? Lagi weird :D
Then, we slacked on this parapet for awhile. Well, got to know shes afraid of heights =D Persuaded her to sit on it, which she did. hahaha ;D She had to go home by then, and both of us took mrt.
Then, kan. hahahahaha.
The mrt we were riding crashed with an eagle. The eagle then got angry and became huge, too bad for it, coz then I shot fire from my hands. It burned his wings. He fell down with a thud, I quickly ate his fried wings. Then it cannot fly anymore, and I kinda pity it. So then brought it to the vet. And it now has robot wings and we are now friends.
Anws, it was super fun ;D
Oh, and I will go vivo one day!
end. ;D
This is Agnes Monica Maljoto. She's 22 this year ;D known for a singer/actress/dancer. Well, yesterday was nothing more than another day for exercising and doing ridicolous stuffs. Played streetsoccer with KMCO after lights-off . Just like old times. It was kind of dumb playing street soccer in the pitch black. I guess thats what makes it so fun and all. Laughter and joy are always by you guys. Haha. Glebzados!(Ruz). Rintoshie(Hidayat). Slimy Bonchet(Mad). Thanks for making most of my nights filled with crap. Keep em coming ! =D
Other than that, yesterday batman approached to me.
Batman : Are you a superhero!? Kasman: Erm, maybe. Why mr.Batman? Batman: Your name's kasMAN right? What kind of superhero are you? Kasman: Er *Walks away really slowly* Batman: Takes pizza out of his undies and eat it.
Freaky. Period. And am going on a date soon! =D Wish me luck! bye!
The cage is meant for people who likes to be in a cage.
Have you people ever wondered whats the irony of the word "Nowhere"? Where it actually means "Now Here"
Well, yesterday I was dying out of boredom, so I decided to go to the Cage! located near Kallang's Leisure Park. The location to be exact is kind of boring. Its where I think unicorns would come at night to eat grass coz the place itself is very silent. So, if you wanna go unicorn-gazing go there. Id give you a 21% chance they will be there during this month and a 95.67% on mating season.
And so we played there for around 2 hours before heading back to bedok inter and fill our tummy. They went back except for me and Mad(Slimy). We went to jamming later on at club paradise(Tampines). It was good to see Aeztheryth once again. Its been quite awhile. Haha. Walked all the way home with Slimy after that. And we encountered an army of man-eating ants. We fought back using super ultrasonic powers. Me and slimy won and gained experience thus levelling ourselves up to level 86.
Reached home. Bathed. Eat. Smsed =D Then I fell asleep due to the soothing jazzfunk playing in my mp3. Fell asleep sorry!
Song's reverted to oldies. There she goeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
Me, being a barber/hairstylist. LOL.
Before Let the shave/cutting begin! Semi-Mullet/Maki Hairstlye. Devil Lock. (Tk menjadi) Typical Scenekid Hair. Mcm Mohawk ader. Mcm Sonic the hedgehog pon ader.
Mat Malaysia Happy. Mat Malaysia Not Happy. Igisukiranagi Hairstyle!
Welcome back myself ;P
HELLO PEOPLE! HAHA, ITS BEEN 1000 VIEWS SINCE IVE BLOGGED! Well, you guys passed the test. You have redeemed yourselves worthy!
So lets see what I have been doing for the past few days :D
hmm, well yesterday started off with a very late morning. Watched family guy before heading to eastpoint to meet KMCO's at around 3 plus.
Apa lagi? Proceeded to street soccer! There we played and conquered! Man(Atoy) almost had a fight with this chinese dude.
The blah blah, nighttime some went off, leaving me, Rin, Gyrados and Mulletboy. Mamad left to meet his girlfriend.
And so, I decided to shave/cut Yat(Rin)'s hair! He wanted it bald, but before that, we played around a bit. Results will be in the next post.
Think ille stop here. And ive got one thing to say to Barney:
Envy. Missed. All those.
Those were the times.
Im jealous, no wait. I envy. Yeah, that sounds right. Ive been looking at my classmate's posts and how they talk about how theyre doing on their papers. How difficult it is. How they wish they get the points they longed deserved. Im a man, and I admit, I kind of chose the wrong path on February-late March. I want to go graduation this year. Although I have made rivals along the way, I know we will all turn out okay soon. I mean, who wouldnt want to go together with you bunch of guys. You are all the best. The spirit of the class is and always overwhelming. Everytime you step into it, its like you are about to embark on an adventure filled with joy and laughter. I really really miss making the whole class laugh when everything gets a little too quiet. Well, during my time, one thing I have not regretted was, mixing with everyone. Now dont tell me that I only mix with the usual noisy malay guys. Im pretty sure I have mixed around with the chinese guys and girls too. And you know what, you're all cool in a different type of way. I guess that's what makes the class unique. Now, it seems you guys are studying hard, while im here, sitting, having a goal less than yours. A goal which I think everyone would like to achieve when they finish secondary education. The taste of the long-awaited O level's certificate. Guess, I made a mistake and have to wait for another year. Worst thing is, if Ille graduate, its not going to be with you guys. Its not with the noisiest, most creative class out there. Haha. These goes out to all my ex-classmate. Hang in there. You're almost done. Haha, and guys, fcuk, I miss you. ;D
This is the gorgeous Heidi Klum. Yes, she's my divorcee. She's too beautiful. Haha! A German model, actress, fashion designer, TV producer, TV presenter and an occasional singer. What more do you want from a girl! =D
Yesterday, I broke my vivovirginty. Left at 2 with zul and met the rest at Harbour front's Mrt Station. Ok, so lets get it started!
Manatoy and Ah choy!
We started off with a light of ciggarette. And poof! Off we go walking around, job hunting and stuffs! Went into random shops, and ased around for jobs. Well there were some really ridicolous shops, which we knew we didnt want to work at but just went in for the interview just for the fun of it.
Slimy and Glebs!
There was this one time though, which we went into "Tangs". And dared Zul to ask for an applicant form. So he went in, and really asked -_- And was really happy about it, as he did not care what job , so long its still a job. Yeah, that desperate. The rest of us were like "Shit. This is not for real. Never would we work at Tangs." Well, unfortunately for zul, vacancy was full baby! Woohoooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Ah choy, cow, and Rin!
Went to other shops and looked around for jobs. Then we passed by a bra shop, "Inner Fair". I stopped, took a glance at it, and called Zul. You know, it may just be me, but I have always wondered whether a guy could work in a bra shop. Curiosity got the better of me and went inside with zul. And asked for a job. At a bra shop. A really hot bra shop. So then I asked, "Scuse me, is it possible if a guy were to work in a bra shop?" . She looked dumbfounded and just smiled really wide. Well kind of like a confused smile. We asked really ridicolous questions such as "If a guy were to work here, would he get less or more pay, as he is working and having pleasure looking at woman's boobs at the same time". Super funny. Haha. We even have a video for it. Ille post it some time later =D
While walking around vivo, we shouted and screamed like gays. As in we took turns shouting and screaming. We tried not to keep ourselves getting bored. Jumped and even do powerslides in front of people. Went to Golden Village soon and went to apply there. The only thing I can recall there was seeing Zul's red boxers. Eh, Ive always wondered why they were called boxers. Its not as if they were made from boxes. They are made from cloth. Maybe camel cloth or caterpillars silk. I dont know. But im sure its not boxers.
Zul Belo!
We all got hungry and went to KFC, which basically stands for "Kasman's Fried Cows". I got free meals as I was the producer for the fast food business company. Ate, and there were loads of hot chicks. They were so hot! And I bet they tasted yummy too! Well they kinda did. Cos we kinda had our time secretly together. Dont get me wrong. I was referring "Hot Chicks" to "Hot Chickens". Yea, Hot And Crispy, KFC's chickens. Original's boring. Boy, Glebs was really hungry. he even ate bones. Yikes!
Glebsados feeding on bones!
After eating KFC, we went to the rooftop or jetty or whatever its called. And there, we met Aidil (Simei) and Mimi and his hardcore friends I think. Nyeh, we then find a place to sit and chill out. Once we got our buttocks warm, boredom was about to take over us but we defeated it once again by deciding to play "truth or dare"! This, to me, was where all the fun began. We managed to made almost everyone in the whole area laugh. Well, free entertainment brought to you by KMCO.
Zombies ate my neighbours!
Am not gonna post about truths question. Zul got truths loads. =_= Anyways, I will tell you some of the dares that were made in front of a whole lot, and i mean whole loads of people.
MANATOY: Jumpstyle/shuffle like a fanatic, ask a girl for a number(Turns out to be a chinese immigrant).
SLIMY(MAD): Roll on the stairs all the way down. Shout "Oi!" really loud to everyone at the jetty.
YAT(RIN): Climb this statue and shouted "Oi!" as if he was on top of the world. (Best dare yet!) And an epic failure of shuffling.
ZUL(BELO): Made conversations with a whole lot of chinese youngsters for 5 mins. Somehow he got along well with the other groups. HAHA! Purpose fall infront of another group. Well, some people might have thought he was drunk. -_-
AH CHOY!(ME): Made conversation with an old couple who was visiting Singapore. They were nice =D Fall on every steps of the staircase. (This was embarassing) -_-
GLEBS(RUZ): Asked a girl for a number. FAILED. HAHA. Ran around the whole area and shouted "LALALALA" . Embarassing. Stripped down his teeshirt and spin his long tees like as if he was a cowboy stripper. Offered himself to a China woman sweeper to sweep the floors. Ask a photographer to take a picture of us. Success!
Realize Glebs had a lot of dare. Trust me, there were much more. I think he was not in luck. Lol!
KMCO! My brothers!
After doing all the dare's we thought possible, we stopped and headed to Pet Safari and looked at pets. Well, nothing interesting here, except for the part we saw hamster's mating. That turned me on. Really on.
Sesame Street made new friends.
Headed to Toy's R' Us afterwards. In here, we created a mess. Sorry toys r us workers! We played soccer inside, and styrofoam swords and knock on each other's heads. Fun! Well, we kept losing each other, I dont know how. Maybe David Copperfield was there. Then again it could be Criss Angel or David Blaine. But my chances would definitely go to Gurmit Singh. Totally.
Happy Helloween from us!
Well we then saw Halloween masks and decided to wear it on. Took some photo's with it. Oh after that, we still used it on and scared people. LOL. We hid and scared people out of their wits! hahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha, the look on their face was priceless. Well, Slimy tried to scare this little boy. EPIC FAILURE. Instead the little kid was laughing and smiling. Thing is, when Slimy opened his mask, the little kid wasnt smiling and ran to his dad's leg and hugged it. HAHAHAHA.
NS Abang-abang. Cheh!
Went arcade, boring too. Nothing new. It was getting kind of late, and decided to get home. Took a double decker bus. Not those red double decker buses like on UK. But , pfft, you know what I mean. In it, everyone was either tired or singing to themselves. Well, they sang like crows. Sometimes, I seriously dont know wheter they're making fun of the song or whter their voice was that bad. _-_
Haha, reached Simei at around 11. I think. Got home and finally watch Indiana Jones till the end. Took me 3 days. I kept sleeping on that movie. Damn.
Well am hungry now. Hungry Hungry like Mr.Humpty Dumpty. Oh did you know, I have a friend. His name's Tom. He's buying a cruise. But you know, that doesnt mean his Tom Cruise. Or does it. *Jeng Jeng*
Yours Truly, Ah Choy! Me la bodoh!
Status Report : Harah.
This post is specially dedicated to who is left the only vivovirginity person in Singapore, Harah. She said it would be nice if I were to take pics of Vivo/Harbour Front. So, Harah enjoy looking at what seems to be the greatest views there. =D
This is how the bus number 10 at vivo looks like. The number 36 represents the cost of the ride.
This is how it looks like from a helicopter view. Yeap, on the left is Mandai Zoo forest. Middle are just rocks. Right is Sentosa's beach. And I think you can see the giant statue of a ciggarette butt.
This is how chicken bones looks like at Vivo. And no this isnt my food. It was a friends, Manatoy! This is the most legendary place yet. The "4 letters of doom" or so they call it. P represents People. U represents Under. L represents Losers. The other L represents Loses. People Under Losers Loses. Freaky but true.
Here we are standing just below the most dangerous place yet. It is called "The Longkang of Never Ending Longkang". A lot of visitors has stepped inside and has never come back. Rumors has it that inside were weird creatures like "Lizard-eating penguins" and "Goldfished-eyed Flying Bears". Boy, that sure sounds freaky.
Hope you enjoyed it harah, and now know what vivo is like! =D
Sorry to crush rush. I get overexcited easily. HAHA.
This is Stefani Gabriella Germanotta , stagenamed "Lady GaGa". A pop dancer/electronica singer. Hot, I know.
Had no plans yesterday. So met up with the baby au's au's and KMCO! Slacked under the block with them and waited for the rest to come cos we wanted to play soccer. While waiting we learned kung fu. I was promoted to kung fu master. In such a short time, I was able to fly and walk on clouds. It was nothing really. The rest then came in about an hour. Packed up, time for soccer!
This is Slimy.
Played for long hours. I ended up blistering my leg. Paiiiiiinnnnnn. But, I am one with the Force and blocked it out of my brain. I knew becoming a Jedi would come in handy some of these days. Rest during dusk. Continued back after that.
This is Glebs.
Now by this time, the challenging players have all come down also known as "Simeiville". Now these people play soccer realllllyyyy good. Super good. Id salute them anytime. There were a lot of teams. 3 of them which were pakciks2! Yet they beat all , even us. Haha! Envy strikes ;D
Yours truly, Ah Choy ah!
Yat went home first coz he wanted to watch anime. That leaves me with Glebs and Slimy. I then opened a portal out of my hands. And took out machine guns. Passed to each of them. We were finally going to do it. We are finally are going to kill all those damned cockroaches.
HELLO . This is Mila Kunis. You may remember her from "That 70's Show". Haha. She is also known for her voice as "Meg" in the animated series "Family Guy".
Yesterday, I had a blast again with KMCO! Well though it was a last minute thing, we had fun ;D Met up with T-bag first, and got ourselves ciggies. Met with Fye for awhile, chatted and then left to meet them at the phonebooth. Rieyn , Glebs and Slimy were there alr. Yat(Rin) came last. Bought food and poof! We're off to East Coast Park! Well, bus was kecoh and got dirty coz we all ate kua chi and stuff. Reached destination in nearly 15 mins or so. Also known as 59857234857 seconds.
Chilled and stuffs, sang ridicolous songs, and gave lessons to slimy and t-bag. Made up songs and stuffs. Everyone all had a laugh. Manatoy came halfway! haha! Well, Rieyn got pissed at a point of time, coz of a friend or something. Haha! Maki2 mcm makcik kat telepon! But she was pissed and maybe thats what she does, anws, tk mo marah2 sngt! Nanti cepat tua =)
Rieyn had to go first . Sent her to bustop . Came back, and then we makan-ed! Hungry2 sia! Never ate the whole day! Basically kan alot of stuffs happened. Im just lazy to type today. Oh and T-bag has kentotophobia. Kesakitan kentot. Today, I guess, am playing soccer. No plans.
OH OH, And t-bag msged me this at midnight
"Eh thx eeh tadi for a great day. Kimek msg gay sak. Take care, T-bag Muax"
HAHAHA. What a great friend. Haha =)
Its ok. Id totally understand. Afterall, pink sunsets dont come and go ;D
Running In Circles, Coming Up Tails. Heads On A Science Apart.
I dont know if anyone can remember this woman. Her name is Amy Jo Johnson. She is also famously known for being the very first Pink Ranger in the show "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers", portraying as "Kimberly". Remember now kids? :D
Yesterday afternoon, met up with rieyn again since there was nothing better to do. Wanted to go ecp but it was raining so we decided to slack near her place. It was nice of her to bring the guitar , though the guitar somehow looked bigger than her, HAHA. =)
Well then I played the guitar while she tried to sing, and ended up confusing ourselves and stuffs. Well, then I asked her to try to play. She has her way of playing and lets just say it is unique the way her fingers touches the fretboard. Haha!
She got hungry soon. She's small but she eats alot and never gets fat. (according to her). Haha! Well, accompanied her to a particular bubble tea shop. Got herself a set meal, again I was not hungry. Haha.
Well, then, sat under a block to let her eat. Well, we werent alone, we were with apeks. The four apek horsemens. Well, we sat at a table nearby them. It was funny cos they were vulgaring and stuffs. Thats not the best part though. When all of them left, one came back, with a ciggarette, lighted, on his mouth, sat, and pondered to say, 15 mins tops? haha. Funny old man ;D
Well, rieyn called me horny coz I saw a particular old lady who was not wearing any bra due to the weird booby shape thingy. She claimed I was checking her out. Haha! ape je !
Well, we talked ridicolous stuffs then, and I requested her to do a belah nonok hairstyle, which she kept refusing coz she thinks she looks funny with it. Haha. Reallllllyy ? =D
Well, then semi-camwhored. SEMI - (SE - MY). Though some prefer saying it "SE-ME". Haha, no diff. =D Well, there particularly a hundred and one shots taken, within a couple of minutes. But I guess, if i were to upload a hundred shots, I would have grown a coconut tree on my head by then. Haha. =D
Well, she had to get going by then. Walked her home, and talked and did ridicolous stuffs along the way. Oh and before she took the lift she gave me directions to where the bustop no. 9 was. And then goodbye to her. So, it was me and my sense of directions alone again. Im telling you, I think I have a compass built in my head. So, I started my adventure to find the bustop. Walked around and round and round and took several shortcuts .
Then there were tall grasses, so I thought it was a shortcut. And so I walked through it, and while walking, my vision started shaking. A pokemon was right in front of my eyes! And it was a Caterpie! (its a really weak caterpillar-based pokemon) I, on the other hand had no pokemon, or pokeballs. So, I got onto my fours, and started barking " I AM THE LEGENDARY AND STRONGEST POKEMON! KASMAN! Kasman! Kasman! " . And before I knew it, pokemon trainers from all over the world staring at me.
Pokemon Trainers: There it is, the mythical legendary pokemon, "Kasman". Kasman: *Snarling* Pokemon Trainers: Careful! We dont want to make it mad!! It could kill us all! or maybe worse! Kasman: *Screams ALULU ALULU WABUUU!!!!* *Flashes Everywhere* Pokemon Trainers: Well, that was something*saying in a monotonous tone* Kasman:*stood up* Guys, im not a pokemon. Im a human just like you. Pokemon Trainers: Damn. Mum! Ive hated your cookings! *Birds fly and pooped on magical fairies.* *Magical fairies cried.*
Got home later than expected then. Talked otp with rieyn as her pp8s finished. Haha, well it wasnt like a normal conversation as every moment it will either be me, her or both laughing. Too bad she couldnt let it out loud as she was in the living room. Talked for some time before hanging up.
Watched "Journey To The Center Of The Earth" at 1am. Slept halfway. Nyeh.
p4 kids are not that bad. They're joy/cheerful and maybe naughty at times. But hey not everyone gets to stay at p4 :))
Its that feeling of amazed that keeps it going.
This is Scarlett I. Johansson . If your birthday's on the 22nd of november, congrats, you share the same with hers. You may also have seen her on movies such as "The Nanny Diaries", "The Prestige", "The Island", "Lost In Translation" etc . =D
Me and my new Thailand friend, "Long".
Yesterday was a blast. Not like those nuclear explosion blast. You know, blast as in fun. Well, met off with rieyn at Tamp Mrt. I was a little late due to getting ciggarettes. Sorry ;D
Met up with her, whom was super super short ;) Saw monkeys. Big monkeys. LIKE REALLY BIG MONKEYS. And then we started off walking around Tampines Mall. Haha, went into shops and criticsise people along the way. Tsk tsk. Profiling! =D
Went to century square next and my, the lingerie there was weird but sexy tho.
Although I did not know why was the model wearing cheap wings. Its not as if they were selling em anyways. Haha. I bet if I had those wings, id cook em. Then become chicken wings. Fried chicken wings. Or maybe Hainanese style. Depends on my mood.
Headed of to Sunplaza Park then. See little kids rollerblading and stuffs. Ive yet to learn rollerblading! Its a must try though its not beneficial. haha. Me and rieyn talked, and she claims I make her life sound boring. Well, she said shes gonna spice it up a lil now. Good luck with that =D
Well, talked talked until around evening, when suddenly Thailand people came! They wanted to sit with us under the shelter we were sitting. No problem! The more the merrier right? ;)
Made friends instantly with all of em. They were really nice. Showed em my magic tricks. They were amazed too ;D The communication wall was hard but it seems we were pretty much trying really hard and somehow understood what he was talking about. Just hope he understands what WE were talking about. haha. After half an hour of talking with him, he offered us with ciggies and even beer! Wow. Haha.
Well, rieyn got hungry, so we said goodbye to them and even traded numbers! haha! So walked back to century square. To food culture, she bought spaghetti. I wasnt hungry so none for me. Haha, rieyn keeps calling me weird but kan, who in the world eats without drinks!? Lagi weird :D
Then, we slacked on this parapet for awhile. Well, got to know shes afraid of heights =D Persuaded her to sit on it, which she did. hahaha ;D She had to go home by then, and both of us took mrt.
Then, kan. hahahahaha.
The mrt we were riding crashed with an eagle. The eagle then got angry and became huge, too bad for it, coz then I shot fire from my hands. It burned his wings. He fell down with a thud, I quickly ate his fried wings. Then it cannot fly anymore, and I kinda pity it. So then brought it to the vet. And it now has robot wings and we are now friends.
Anws, it was super fun ;D
Oh, and I will go vivo one day!
end. ;D
This is Agnes Monica Maljoto. She's 22 this year ;D known for a singer/actress/dancer. Well, yesterday was nothing more than another day for exercising and doing ridicolous stuffs. Played streetsoccer with KMCO after lights-off . Just like old times. It was kind of dumb playing street soccer in the pitch black. I guess thats what makes it so fun and all. Laughter and joy are always by you guys. Haha. Glebzados!(Ruz). Rintoshie(Hidayat). Slimy Bonchet(Mad). Thanks for making most of my nights filled with crap. Keep em coming ! =D
Other than that, yesterday batman approached to me.
Batman : Are you a superhero!? Kasman: Erm, maybe. Why mr.Batman? Batman: Your name's kasMAN right? What kind of superhero are you? Kasman: Er *Walks away really slowly* Batman: Takes pizza out of his undies and eat it.
Freaky. Period. And am going on a date soon! =D Wish me luck! bye!
The cage is meant for people who likes to be in a cage.
Have you people ever wondered whats the irony of the word "Nowhere"? Where it actually means "Now Here"
Well, yesterday I was dying out of boredom, so I decided to go to the Cage! located near Kallang's Leisure Park. The location to be exact is kind of boring. Its where I think unicorns would come at night to eat grass coz the place itself is very silent. So, if you wanna go unicorn-gazing go there. Id give you a 21% chance they will be there during this month and a 95.67% on mating season.
And so we played there for around 2 hours before heading back to bedok inter and fill our tummy. They went back except for me and Mad(Slimy). We went to jamming later on at club paradise(Tampines). It was good to see Aeztheryth once again. Its been quite awhile. Haha. Walked all the way home with Slimy after that. And we encountered an army of man-eating ants. We fought back using super ultrasonic powers. Me and slimy won and gained experience thus levelling ourselves up to level 86.
Reached home. Bathed. Eat. Smsed =D Then I fell asleep due to the soothing jazzfunk playing in my mp3. Fell asleep sorry!
Song's reverted to oldies. There she goeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
Me, being a barber/hairstylist. LOL.
Before Let the shave/cutting begin! Semi-Mullet/Maki Hairstlye. Devil Lock. (Tk menjadi) Typical Scenekid Hair. Mcm Mohawk ader. Mcm Sonic the hedgehog pon ader.
Mat Malaysia Happy. Mat Malaysia Not Happy. Igisukiranagi Hairstyle!
Welcome back myself ;P
HELLO PEOPLE! HAHA, ITS BEEN 1000 VIEWS SINCE IVE BLOGGED! Well, you guys passed the test. You have redeemed yourselves worthy!
So lets see what I have been doing for the past few days :D
hmm, well yesterday started off with a very late morning. Watched family guy before heading to eastpoint to meet KMCO's at around 3 plus.