Man/Ah Choy/Lyon/Putra
Guitar and piano are loves
I am a young man, 17! You are old!
Number of Times I Had Babies
Toot Tee Doo
Guess Im not in the house regularly anymore since ive work, soccer and much more weird activities! :D
So sorry for the long long update.
In the morning, i wanted to go to aghgan to take my altered pants,
Soooo, yesterday was my first day working at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. I was basically a blur sotong since I only went to the first orientation and then have to work there since its maximising. So imagine, having no knowledge of doing their drinks and you have to make drinks as your manager told you cos theres only 2 people working there. HAHA. But i catched up after an hour or so :D
Met siraj after work, talked about his personal problems and all. Then we decided to play guitar hero at TampinesOne's arcade! Met Farhanie, Mia, Mamad aka epok2 there.
and thats it. this is just a quick post. Ille post one more properly next time aye? :D
Au Revoir!
Toot Tee Doo
Guess Im not in the house regularly anymore since ive work, soccer and much more weird activities! :D
So sorry for the long long update.
In the morning, i wanted to go to aghgan to take my altered pants,
Soooo, yesterday was my first day working at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. I was basically a blur sotong since I only went to the first orientation and then have to work there since its maximising. So imagine, having no knowledge of doing their drinks and you have to make drinks as your manager told you cos theres only 2 people working there. HAHA. But i catched up after an hour or so :D
Met siraj after work, talked about his personal problems and all. Then we decided to play guitar hero at TampinesOne's arcade! Met Farhanie, Mia, Mamad aka epok2 there.
and thats it. this is just a quick post. Ille post one more properly next time aye? :D
Au Revoir!
Riddles change weekly. Answer at tagboard. =)
Favorite Line
No matter how beautiful or how sexy a girl is, they still shit.