This is Agnes Monica Maljoto. She's 22 this year ;D known for a singer/actress/dancer.

Well, yesterday was nothing more than another day for exercising and doing ridicolous stuffs.
Played streetsoccer with KMCO after lights-off . Just like old times.
It was kind of dumb playing street soccer in the pitch black. I guess thats what makes it so fun and all. Laughter and joy are always by you guys. Haha. Glebzados!(Ruz). Rintoshie(Hidayat). Slimy Bonchet(Mad). Thanks for making most of my nights filled with crap. Keep em coming ! =D
Other than that, yesterday batman approached to me.
Batman : Are you a superhero!?
Kasman: Erm, maybe. Why mr.Batman?
Batman: Your name's kasMAN right? What kind of superhero are you?
Kasman: Er *Walks away really slowly*
Batman: Takes pizza out of his undies and eat it.
Freaky. Period. And am going on a date soon! =D
Wish me luck! bye!